Product range

Dice Topics

To get started, you just need some dice topics and a bit of imagination. There are 36 topics and the dice are available in digital form (through the Talking Dice App ) or they can be printed using the links below.

If you’re a teacher, we recommend the Teacher's Guide which provides a wealth of ready-made activities and reproducible worksheets. You will also find plenty of suggestions for using the dice in the Free Resources section.

(ref. TDACC)

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Ideas for use: Alliteration. Where I live. Adjectives. Associated words.

Action Verbs
(ref. TDACT)

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Ideas for use: Talking about pastimes. Tenses. Conjugation. Storytelling.

Body Parts
(ref. TDBOD)

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Ideas for use: Odd one out. Pronouns. Adjectives.

(ref. TDCEL)

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Ideas for use: Storytelling. Alliteration. Tenses.

(ref. TDCLO)

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Ideas for use: Adjectives. Because. If & will.

Countries & Nationalities
(ref. TDCOU)

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Ideas for use: Prepositions. Associated words. Role play.

(ref. TDDIR)

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Ideas for use: Places in town. Giving directions. Imperative. Prepositions.

(ref. TDDRI)

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Ideas for use: Comparisons. Associated words. Pronouns.

(ref. TDEMO)

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Ideas for use: Likes & dislikes. Adjectives. Sentence building. Asking for opinions.

Extreme Sports
(ref. TDEXT)

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Ideas for use: Reported Speech. If & will. Role play.

(ref. TDFRU)

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Ideas for use: Likes and dislikes. Shopping. Role play.

(ref. TDFUR)

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Ideas for use: Prepositions. Opposites. Role play.

(ref. TDHOB)

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Ideas for use: Likes and dislikes. Describing things - Adjectives. Sentence Building.

(ref. TDHOU)

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Ideas for use: Likes and dislikes. Sentence building. Asking for opinions.

(ref. TDOCC)

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Ideas for use: Questions and Answers. Alphabetical order. Reasoning.

(ref. TDOPI)

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Ideas for use: School subjects. Films & Television. Friends and family. Comparisons.

Pencil Case Items
(ref. TDPEN)

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Ideas for use: Prepositions. Odd one out. Alphabetical order.

People & Family Members
(ref. TDPEO)

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Ideas for use: Family and friends. Prepositions. Pronouns.

(ref. TDPER)

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Ideas for use: Descriptions. Talking about self, friends and family. Comparisons.

(ref. TDPET)

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Ideas for use: Because. Associated words. Sentence building.

(ref. TDPOS)

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Ideas for use: Prepositions. Descriptions. Bedroom & Furniture. Animals.

(ref. TDPRO)

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Ideas for use: Conjugation. Tenses. Storytelling. Reported speech.

Question Words
(ref. TDQUE)

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Ideas for use: Asking questions. Dialogues. Role-play. Storytelling.

(ref. TDREC)

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Ideas for use: Discussions. The environment. Habits. Role-play.

Rooms in the House
(ref. TDROO)

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Ideas for use: Prepositions. Describing things - Adjectives. Sentence building.

(ref. TDROU)

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Ideas for use: Sentence building. Tenses. Role play.

School Subjects
(ref. TDSCH)

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Ideas for use: Reasoning. Likes and dislikes. Comparisons.

(ref. TDSNA)

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Ideas for use: Likes and dislikes. Tenses. Because.

(ref. TDSPO)

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Ideas for use: Reported Speech. If & will. Role play.

(ref. TDTEC)

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Ideas for use: Likes and dislikes. Comparisons. Daily routine.

(ref. TDTEN)

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Ideas for use: Conjugation. Pronouns. Storytelling. Role-play.

Places in Town
(ref. TDTOW)

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Ideas for use: Prepositions. Describing things - Adjectives. Associated words.

(ref. TDTRA)

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Ideas for use: Comparatives. If & will. Associated words.

TV Programmes
(ref. TDTVP)

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Ideas for use: Storytelling. Alliteration. Past and future tense.

(ref. TDVEG)

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Ideas for use: Likes and dislikes. Shopping. Role play.

(ref. TDWEA)

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Ideas for use: Conjunctions. Role Play. Reasons.

Full classroom set

Full Set
(ref. TDFUL)

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Suitable for classrooms of 18 to 36 pupils, this set includes 6 dice from each of the 36 different curriculum topics - a total of 216 dice. The full-size classroom set is ideal for medium to large classes of up to 36 students, allowing the class to be divided into 6 groups. Includes the Teacher's Notes and Student Worksheets.

Teacher’s Guide

The Teacher's Notes and Student Worksheets suggest 40 motivating activities explaining in detail which of the Talking Dice could be used and how the exercises can be implemented to their greatest effect. All of the fun activities are designed to enable students to work alone, in pairs or in small groups with minimal teacher input and the book provides you with plenty of examples to help get your students started.

- Sample page: 'Feeling' adjectives
- Sample page: Reasons
- Sample page: Verbs

The worksheets are arranged in alphabetical order rather than difficulty and you are encouraged to manipulate the activities to suit your students. Therefore, the teacher's section aims to guide you on how to make the activities appropriate to you and your style of teaching whilst allowing room for differentiation and alteration according to the age and ability of the group.


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Versions in other languages:
Please note publications adapted from this title are available in French from Caillade Publishing as well as in Swedish from OrdAF AB.

Let your imagination roll!